Hand made and baked Victorian Rose scented baked bath salts with pink Himalayan salt ... Rose for balance, new beginnings and hope. The rose is thought to have evolved between 35 million years ago, gradually scattering across Europe, Asia and North America. In ancient Greece the rose was associated with Aphrodite, she cut herself seeing Adonis wounded and her red blood fell onto white blooms staining them forever. The Romans loved roses, they used them for table decorations and covered their carpets with them for feasts and orgies and even filled their pools and fountains with their petals . The peasants had to grow them instead of food, the demand was so high. They also believed the rose was an antidote to drunkeness and also an aphrodisiac so guests would be showered in petals. In the 17th century roses were in such high demand that they were considered as tender. Napoleons wife created a collection of them at the Chateau de Malmaison. And of course, the rose is a symbol of the Virgin Mary and behind the rosary beads. Pink Himalayan is salt for happiness, relaxation and peace. This salt was formed over 250 million years ago during the Jurassic period, but it wasn't discovered until Alexander the Great's horses discovered the deposits around the year 326 BC during his Indian Campaign, they started licking the stones so the men tried it too! In the 16th century the salt was used to trade for food and money and it was transported by Yak as far as central Asia. I mix this with other salts to create my baked bath salts which help flush toxins, ease aches and pains and aid with migraines. They come in 300 gram glass (refillable) jars.

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