Christine Couley


This is Christine, Christine from sales, Christine from accounts, Christine from design, Christine the social media manager, Christine the photographer, Christine the stylist, Christine the delivery person, Christine the website manager, Christine the creator, Christine the graphic designer... if you have any issues, just let Christine know! Christine the delivery person will often deliver with with one or more of her sidekicks - the dogs are Spook, Sven and Brewster, they also like to oversee quality control.


Assistant Delivery

Narnia is my divine arabian mare, she often helps me with local deliveries, she loves children so is always a dream if we are dropping off when the children are waiting! We have been known to wear fancy dress for deliveries at Halloween and Christmas!


Asisstant Delivery

Tarique and Narnia share the same father, he is also an arabian. He has a very funny sense of humour and is nosy. He enjoys his delivery jobs too. He also likes to visit the local disability home, where he has been known to try to drive a wheelchair with his mouth!


Assistant Editor

Pixie is our rescue cat. She loves nothing more than to sit on my desk in front of my screen and 'help' me with any computer work I am doing. If I don't give enough attention to her, she will tap out at me with her leg and purr even louder! Pixie has a side hustle as a model and has been used for over ten campaigns for large corporations (some international). She's a sweetheart, even if often in the way and I say PIXIIIIIEEEEEE a lot!